On June 17, 2024, the company held a groundbreaking ceremony to mark the commencement of site development activities on the property. It broke ground on a 4-hectare area covered by a Development Permit issued on January 31, 2023. Within this vicinity, Elize Point presently has 26 lots being marketed to potential real estate brokers and buyers, covered by DHSUD License to Sell No. 0000939 issued on March 10, 2023.
Please note that the abovementioned area is part of a larger 11-hectare property which has other potential areas of development, currently under study for expansion. Any further developments will be subject to the approval of the City Council and relevant government agencies upon presentation.
ODTC has been and will continue to comply with local ordinances, zoning restrictions, and development regulations.
Any materials stating otherwise from the information above are false and misleading. For any official project developments and updates, you may visit our website at elizepoint.com